John Tanner: Crowing Up a Captive, Part XXVI
Sugar season arrived, the trees were called by the whites “River Maple,” they were large but scattered and for this reason they made two...
John Tanner: Growing Up a Captive, Part XXV
John Tanner described him as “a very small old man” he had joined them in the course of the Winter and when food became scarce he set out...
John Tanner: Growing up a Captive, Part XXII
It was winter and as it advanced it continually became colder. John Tanner hunted for a Trader called by the Indians Aneeb which meant...
John Tanner: Growing Up a Captive, Part XXI
John Tanner used to take with hook and line a great number of fish from the River called Kocheche-se-bee (Source River) which fed Rainy...
John Tanner: Growing Up a Captive, Part XX
They were all hungry; the Old Woman sent John to seek help, a difficult trek, when he arrived at the Trader House they immediately knew...
John Tanner: Growing up a Captive, Part XIX
John Tanners family’s prospects were so discouraging that they lightened some of their baggage in order to make their journey more...
John Tanner: Growing up a Captive, Part XVI
John Tanners family was still suffering from hunger, and it compelled them to move and after they had eaten their portion of a bear they...
John Tanner: Growing Up a Captive, Part XII
John’s family decided to return to the Lake Huron area, times of revelry after a long winter saw a number of them trade winter hides for...
John Tanner: Growing Up a Captive, Part X
John’s family paddled up the Red River and in two days came to the mouth of the Assiniboine River where they found great numbers of...
John Tanner: Growing Up a Captive, Part VII
John’s father had over indulged and was intoxicated and he caused a ruckus with a younger man who roughly pushed him down and then picked...